As part of its renovation, Hostellerie Groff Aux Deux Clefs in Biesheim entrusted The Muses to envision a mural for its rooms. The goal: to bring brightness and spaciousness to the rooms located under the rooftops. Mission accomplished!

For this new unique creation, we sought ways to bring light as well as a sense of serenity to the spaces of this beautiful family establishment nestled in the heart of the city of Biesheim. Inspired by Japanese prints, we crafted an imaginary aquatic garden evoking the surrounding Ried borders. Reeds, water lilies, and rushes: the lush nature of the Ried contrasts with the calmness of the water.

Soothing blues, serene greens, and touches of pink for vibrancy! These are the foundations upon which we built our colorful universe. As for the golden yellow, it emanates a warm radiance that bathes the new rooms.

A Result We Are Proud Of and That Will Soon Delight the Hotel’s Guests!
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